Blog post

23 Things I’ve Learned At 23

April 28, 2018

Another year has come and gone. A big year at that. I graduated college and have been thrown into a new chapter of life that I am still learning to navigate. 365 days of new friends, new experiences, but mostly new lessons. They say as you get older you get wiser so here are some things I’ve picked up over this past year.

1. The world is big and there are so many cool places to see. Travel, travel, travel.

2. Don’t play the comparison game, stay in your own lane.

3. Friends come and go and that is completely okay.

4. Actions speak louder than words.

5. Confidence is key even though sometimes it is hard.

6. Fake it till you make it.

7. Everyone is insecure about something, stop picking yourself apart.

8. Get a juicer, it will change your life.


10. “Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Much better.”

11. Never settle. You’re going to fail. Get used to it and try again.

12. It’s okay to change your mind about something. It’s called growth.

13. Anxiety and worry are a waste of time. (Guilty!)

14. Life is about balance and sometimes dessert for breakfast is necessary.

15. People throw rocks at things that shine. (Shoutout T-Swift!)

16. There will never be a perfect time to do something. Start now.

17. Sometimes the way people treat you has nothing to do with YOU but everything to do with THEM.

18. Listen to your gut even if you have no idea where it’s leading you.

19. Trust needs to be earned.

20. Never let the reason you don’t do something be “that you don’t know how.” It’s 2018. Girl you can google anything.

21. You can change your life if you really try.

22. Don’t take things so personally.

23. You will never regret stepping out of your comfort zone. That is where the best things happen anyways.



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