Blog post

Showing Gratitude

November 5, 2018

Happy Monday friends!

I’m pretty sure the words “happy” and “Monday” rarely end up in the same sentence – but they should. I’ve been listening to more podcasts lately, investing in self help books, and trying to figure out that secret to life. Ya know? Among all the advice these authors and hosts have been giving, there’s one constant piece of advice that they keep preaching: show gratitude. At first I questioned this. I didn’t understand how simply showing gratitude could help me grow my business, become more confident, or attract the right people into my life. I wanted a step by step process. Then, it hit me. It wasn’t going to be the simple (or not so simple, sometimes life gets messy!) act of showing gratitude that would change my life. It was going to be the change in my mindset that resulted from the act of showing gratitude, that would change my life.

I’m the first to say it: I tend to be a negative person when it comes to how I think about things. I’m not proud of that but it’s a work in progress. I get moody when things don’t go my way. I have a perceived notion of how I think things should play out and if they don’t, I’m not a fan. I have a way of focusing on the things I’d rather change or don’t like instead of being grateful for everything I have or appreciating the things that did work out. Let me tell ya, that doesn’t lead to a happy life – constantly focusing on the negative and what your not satisfied with. Anyone else guilty of this?

They say once you change your mindset you can change your life. So what do we have to lose? I plan to start posting a blog post every Monday morning listing 5 things I’m grateful for that happened throughout the previous week or something I’m looking forward to in the current week. I’ve tried to do daily journaling and all that jazz but it never sticks if we’re being honest. Hopefully by committing to post each Monday it will keep me accountable and help spread some positivity into your Monday morning as well 🙂

So here are 5 things I’m grateful for:

– I got to spend all day Saturday at the Heart and Sole Conference meeting and hanging out with some of the coolest and most inspiring boss babes! I made some great new friends, created new business connections, and learned some awesome information that I can’t wait to start implementing into not only myself but my brand.

-I’m partnering with Francesca’s this week on a brand deal! (You’ll see more about that on my Instagram tomorrow.) Growing up Francesca’s was, and still is, one of my favorite boutiques! I’m so excited for the opportunity to work with them through my own brand and showcase some of my favorite pieces from their upcoming collection 🙂

-Buc-ee’s finally opened in Denton! YAY YAY YAY! It’s the little things, like now having the opportunity to go grab some fudge anytime I want or their gas prices being only $1.60 yesterday. Look out QT.

-Earlier I was looking at all the clothes thrown across my backseat from shooting the other day (if you’re a blogger you know the mess I’m talking about), my messy laundry room with clothes that need to be washed but I haven’t got around to doing, and my overflowing closets that I can’t keep organized for the life of me. I have two huge closets and it still never seems to be enough space. I caught myself complaining about all these clothes then I realized something. Yeah, it’s annoying to feel like my closets are unorganized, or the fact that I need to make myself spend an extra 30 minutes folding clothes and catching up on laundry. BUT wouldn’t it be even more annoying having NO clothes? Not being blessed enough to HAVE two full closets? Not having a washer and dryer that gives me the opportunity to do laundry in my own home? As simple as it sounds I’ve never thought about the laundry from that perspective and just changing the way I THINK about this situation changes how I FEEL about getting these tasks done.

-I get a date night tonight with the cutest boy around (I may be biased 😉 ) After being with someone for awhile I think it’s easy to start taking the simple things for granted. Which I’m guilty of lately. Instead of focusing on cute little things that you would appreciate in the beginning, you start to focus on little annoyances. Like yeah, he might of surprised me with my favorite Starbucks drink to start my morning BUT he forgot to take out the trash that has been sitting by the door for 2 days, so I’m automatically annoyed. That’s actually a true story, haha!

Obviously we all have so many simple things to be grateful for that we tend to forget about because they are just that – simple things we are USED to always being there. I’m excited to start this weekly post and see how my mindset begins to change. I challenge you to comment one thing you are grateful for and keep the positivity flowing <3 Now go have a Happy Monday!

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