Blog post

I Took A Break From Social Media For A Week – Here’s What Happened

November 27, 2018

You’re probably thinking, “WhAt?! No SoCiAl MeDiA fOr An EnTiRe WeEk?! That would’ve been my reaction as well in the past. I am guilty of being glued to my phone – like it’s probably unhealthy the amount of time I spend scrolling through nonsense and how easily entertained I am by Old Row videos. If you know you know. Something strange happened in the last month though. Instead of getting a high from social media I was having the life sucked out of me. From 1 – 10 let me know how dramatic I am haha!

I’m not sure if this was a product of my #bloggerlife where I constantly feel pressure to post and post and post and engage and engage and engage, or if it was inevitable due to my overactive mind and constant pressure to achieve perfectionism (that I put on myself, LAME!) In this time I became very uninspired and had zero desire to post or even care to scroll through everyone’s perfectly edited highlight reel. At first I was confused and couldn’t figure out why I felt this way. This is part of my job. I felt like I couldn’t just sit back, not keep up with what everyone else was doing, and god forbid go a few days without logging into my email. But I did it and it was glorious. 10/10 recommend signing off and recharging. Seriously, do it.

Recently I’ve been getting into manifestation, law of attraction, and all that jazz. Some people have very questioning views on that stuff but really people, calm down, it’s no big deal. I’ve been listening to Kathrin Zenkina’s Manifestation Babe podcast and it’s my latest obsession. If you are feeling uninspired, wanting to change your life, or just need a little motivation then go listen pronto! I listen to at least 3 episodes a day because I love them that much. I listened to an episode last week that was discussing what to do when you’re feeling uninspired or just kind of out of it. I thought, “Perfect! Exactly what I need!”

She explained how when she feels uninspired/blah she simply acknowledges that she is feeling that way and allows herself to take a break. She steps back and doesn’t force anything. Anyone who is in the creative realm knows that when you are not passionate and into what you are working on, it will show. You will get burnt out. That’s the point that I was at. I have slowly been pulling away from my need to post about fashion. Obviously I like shopping, dressing cute, and all of that fun stuff but the past month has made me realize that isn’t what I’m super into anymore. If I’m scrolling on the gram I am much more intrigued by a lifestyle/real talk post versus a haul of someones favorite winter coats. I realized that I was posting content that I myself wouldn’t even be interested in without realizing it.

I felt less stressed and honestly happier not logging on every second of the day. I’m definitely guilty of the comparison game and always feeling the need to be “on” so living ACTUAL LIFE and focusing on life beyond my screen was a breath of fresh air. Literally. Fresh air. I went outside more this week instead of being glued to my desk indoors haha. So now that I’m back and recharged I’m ready to dive back into my little corner on the internet, but maybe with a different approach. Instead of forcing content I want to post things that inspire me and that actually interest me. Remember that it’s okay to change your mind, start fresh, and find what works for you. Sometimes all it takes is a little recharge to regain your spark.



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